Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Liberdade, Democracia, Justiça, Imprensa, Direitos Humanitários. Sim. Ditaduras, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortura, Fome, Corrupção. Não Obrigado. Peço Asilo Político, Dinheiro, Doente e Invalido com Fome em Tribunal com Dívidas. Enviar dinheiro para a Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
Se não pode impôr a paz, pode convencer pelo exemplo. -----
Peço Asilo Político. -----
Donativos para a Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Conta de Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº conta 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de cliente 233-691451 --- Iban CH21 0023 3233 691451M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou --- Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Telefone: 0041 765 450 994. Comuniquem na Imprensa Mundial. Eu falo Português, E também Francês. ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Liberté, Démocratie, Justice, Presse, Droits Humanitaires. Oui. Dictatures, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Faim, Corruption. Non Merci. Je demande Asile Politique, l'argent, le malade et l'invalide avec la faim devant le tribunal avec des dettes. Envoyer argent pour l'Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
Si ne peut pas imposer la paix, peut convaincre par l'exemple. -----
Je demande Asile Politique. -----
Donations pour la Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº de compte 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de client 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou --- Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Téléphone: 0041 765 450 994. Communiquent dans la Presse Mondiale. Je parle Portugais, Et aussi Français. --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Freiheit, Demokratie, Justiz, die Presse, Humanitäre Rechte. Ja. Diktaturen, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortur, Hunger, Bestechung. Nein Danke. Ich verlange politisches Asyl, das Geld, Kranke und Invalide mit dem Hunger vor dem Gericht mit Schulden. Senden Geld für Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. -----
Wenn nicht aufdrängen kann der Frieden, kann durch das Beispiel überzeugen. -----
Ich verlange politisches Asyl. -----
Schenkungen für den Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- N° des Kontos 233-691451.M1F --- Nº des Kunden 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. --- Oder --- Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. --- Telefon: 0041 765 450 994. Teilen in der weltweiten Presse mit. Ich spreche Portugiesisch, Und auch Französisch. ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Freedom, Democracy, Justice, The Press, Humane Rights. Yes. Dictatorships, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Hunger, Corruption. Not Thank You. I ask for Political asylum, Money, Sick and Invalid with Hunger in Court with Debts. To send money for the Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
If it can not impose peace, can convince by example. -----
I ask for Political asylum -----
Donations for the Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E.. Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Account of Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº of account 233-691451.M1F --- Nº of customer 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Switzerland. --- Or --- Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Telephone: 0041 765 450 994. Communicate in the World Press. speak Portuguese, And also French. -----
I am regular visitor of this website[url=].[/url] really contains lot of useful information. Frankly speaking we really do not pay attention towards our health. Let me show you one truth. Research presents that almost 80% of all U.S. adults are either obese or weighty[url=].[/url] So if you're one of these people, you're not alone. Its true that we all can't be like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, and have sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now the question is how you are planning to have quick weight loss? Quick weight loss can be achived with little effort. You need to improve some of you daily habbits to achive weight loss in short span of time.
About me: I am blogger of [url=]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also health trainer who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under difficult training program than you may also try [url=]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=]Colon Cleansing[/url] for quick weight loss.
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Liberdade, Democracia, Justiça, Imprensa, Direitos Humanitários. Sim.
Ditaduras, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortura, Fome, Corrupção. Não Obrigado.
Peço Asilo Político, Dinheiro, Doente e Invalido com Fome em Tribunal com Dívidas.
Enviar dinheiro para a Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
Se não pode impôr a paz, pode convencer pelo exemplo. -----
Peço Asilo Político. -----
Donativos para a Resistência Portuguesa Militar e Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Conta de Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº conta 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de cliente 233-691451 --- Iban CH21 0023 3233 691451M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou ---
Sr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. ---
Telefone: 0041 765 450 994. Comuniquem na Imprensa Mundial. Eu falo Português, E também Francês. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Liberté, Démocratie, Justice, Presse, Droits Humanitaires. Oui.
Dictatures, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Faim, Corruption. Non Merci.
Je demande Asile Politique, l'argent, le malade et l'invalide avec la faim devant le tribunal avec des dettes.
Envoyer argent pour l'Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
Si ne peut pas imposer la paix, peut convaincre par l'exemple. -----
Je demande Asile Politique. -----
Donations pour la Résistance Portugaise Militaire et Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº de compte 233-691451.M1F --- Nº de client 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. --- Ou ---
Mr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. ---
Téléphone: 0041 765 450 994. Communiquent dans la Presse Mondiale. Je parle Portugais, Et aussi Français. ---
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Freiheit, Demokratie, Justiz, die Presse, Humanitäre Rechte. Ja.
Diktaturen, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Tortur, Hunger, Bestechung. Nein Danke.
Ich verlange politisches Asyl, das Geld, Kranke und Invalide mit dem Hunger vor dem Gericht mit Schulden.
Senden Geld für Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. -----
Wenn nicht aufdrängen kann der Frieden, kann durch das Beispiel überzeugen. -----
Ich verlange politisches Asyl. -----
Schenkungen für den Widerstand Portugiesisches Militärisches und Zivilist Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Compte d'Épargne UBS CHF --- N° des Kontos 233-691451.M1F --- Nº des Kunden 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. --- Oder ---
Herr. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Schweiz. ---
Telefon: 0041 765 450 994. Teilen in der weltweiten Presse mit. Ich spreche Portugiesisch, Und auch Französisch. -----
Peço Asilo Político, Je demande Asile Politique, Ich verlange politisches Asyl, I ask for Political asylum
Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E. -----
Freedom, Democracy, Justice, The Press, Humane Rights. Yes.
Dictatorships, PIDE/D.G.S.E., Torture, Hunger, Corruption. Not Thank You.
I ask for Political asylum, Money, Sick and Invalid with Hunger in Court with Debts.
To send money for the Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. -----
If it can not impose peace, can convince by example. -----
I ask for Political asylum -----
Donations for the Resistance Portuguese Military and Civil Anti Pide/D.G.S.E..
Hilário Vicente Rosa Godinho --- Account of Épargne UBS CHF --- Nº of account 233-691451.M1F --- Nº of customer 233-691451 --- IBAN: CH21 0023 3233 6914 51M1F --- SWIFT Adresse (BIC): UBSWCHZH80A --- UBS AG --- Postfach, CH 4053 Basel --- Switzerland. --- Or ---
Sir. Godinho --- Dornacherstrasse, 245 --- CH 4053 Basel --- Suisse. ---
Telephone: 0041 765 450 994. Communicate in the World Press. speak Portuguese, And also French. -----
I am regular visitor of this website[url=].[/url] really contains lot of useful information. Frankly speaking we really do not pay attention towards our health. Let me show you one truth. Research presents that almost 80% of all U.S. adults are either obese or weighty[url=].[/url] So if you're one of these people, you're not alone. Its true that we all can't be like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, and have sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now the question is how you are planning to have quick weight loss? Quick weight loss can be achived with little effort. You need to improve some of you daily habbits to achive weight loss in short span of time.
About me: I am blogger of [url=]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also health trainer who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under difficult training program than you may also try [url=]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=]Colon Cleansing[/url] for quick weight loss.
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