Thursday, November 8, 2007

tallinn, estonia

the only way to make a trip to the baltics affordable was to fly from warsaw to helsinki and take a ferry over to tallinn, then work our way back down to poland from there. what we hadn't planned on was just how expensive finland was. to save some money, we decided to skip the hostel and instead spent the night on benches outside the ferry terminal.

it wasn't all that bad because the sun never fully set (this picture was probably taken around 3 am.) but it was damn cold. and there was an annoying seagull pushing around an empty beer can for about two hours.

first day in tallinn. the old town is 'picturesque' but not very exciting if you've seen the castle thing before.

still light out at midnight.

all the baltic countries had different personalities; estonia was very scandinavian.

a days worth of food and another lesson in frugality.

we should have been looking for the controversial soviet statue, but sadly, it was in the suburbs, inaccessible to us. so instead, we slept in parks.

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